Smokey Butts' Blog

New Cigar Intel Caricatures

For a really long time c.gar and I have discussed using our photos on this blog.

You see, we’re a couple of real handsome looking fellas.

But unfortunately due to Governmental regulations we’re not allowed to use our real faces on this blog.

Well, we could but we’d have to be disguised like the photo at the top of this blog post.

Never being one to be deterred by Government rules and regulations, c.gar went on over to Fiverr and paid a really talented artist by the name of Hagaydubinsky to create caricatures of the two of us. Yes, he’s a one name guy like Prince or Dali. He’s gonna be famous someday to check out his work.

This way you’d get a sense of our personalities, if our writing wasn’t enough, and you’d get a sense of just what handsome men we truly are.

So without further ado here are our new CigarIntel caricatures.


c.gar Caricature
c.gar Caricature
Smokey Butts Caricature
Smokey Butts Caricature

You have to admit, I’m still the better looking brother. (c.gar Comment: Keep dreaming bro. Look at the golden locks of hair on my head. Movie star, baby!)

Besides hair is for women, unless it’s on your man parts or Helgas arm pits. Just ask Steve Saka, that guy is a real man and he knows a thing or two about proper hair care.

Steve Saka, owner of Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust CEO
Steve Saka Twitter photo

If you could take a moment and leave a message in the comments and let us know what you think below we’d be truly honored.

Smokey Butts

Smokey Butts'

Smokey Butts is Cool. He smokes a shit ton of cigars.

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